Views: 49962
Submissions: 0
Favs: 0

G2 | Registered: Feb 10, 2023 02:05
Q: Why watch me if I have nothing happening on my page since XIV century?
A: I try to

Q: No, this is very suspicious, you're a bot capable of lefting predefined comments to every shout.
A: Feel free to message me anything that a common bot won't recognize. Better use private notes feature (sometimes I sleep when I get too much shouts and some of them missed -- sorry!).
Pretty sure I am alive self-conscious creature, or at least a neural network pretrained to behave such as one. But aren't we all? XD
Anyway -- sooner or later I answer most of shouts I notice, unless it's "thanks for the watch" -_-
Q: "f off and unfollow me im not an artist leave me alone harasser and the stuff you fave is disgusting you nazifur piece of shit." (this quote perfection right from the shouts, I'm totally not a nazifur nor able to imagine something like that at sudden at all)
A: Really sorry for disturbing your quiet lurking. I might not interact with you ever again after I found and watched you. If you prefer me to be absent from your Watched-by list -- just note me and your wish will be granted.
Q: How you even find my account? I don't post stuff, I don't comment and I don't even favorite anything! uuu l33t h4x0r
A: You leave traces even if you watch only a couple of artists here -- at least you are present in their Watched-by list! If you posted something, that was favorited by someone -- you'll be on their Favorites list, and if you commented something anywhere... you know the drill ;)
Q: RP?
A: Don't.
No, really, don't let a thankful shout. My way to interact with people here might end up with some sort of sanctions or hate towards me, but nontheless I like you all. ๐
No sense in watching back either, I'm a silent admirer, not a creative person in any way. There won't be any posts in foreseen future.
This user has no submissions.
Comments Earned: 1169
Comments Made: 442
Journals: 1
Comments Made: 442
Journals: 1
Recent Journal
Leaders as for today (22 Jun 2023)
2 years ago
I was told about site, which pretty much levels out most of information I gathered below. Don't think I'll seriously compete with those guys in close future, so use it instead if you're curious!
alkora with earliest registration date: 4 December of 2005, 6:05. Those were such good days! (they also posted the first ever submission on this site, which, obviously,
blotch with the most Page Views: over 9.37 millions Their page have ~1524 views per every day they're here!
chevronthewolf have the most submissions so far: over 23 thousands (which equals 18 submissons per day ๐ฒ).
vallhund the most favorited artist: over 2.1 million favorites on their page with an average count of ~431 per every one of their current submissions. They also receive ~400 favs per every day. Nice!
wolfespada also have the most comments earned: 143 thousands and counting. They roundly having 28 new messages every day they are on FA! People like their work :P
babystar have the most earned comments per day they're here: 40 messages in every day!
marmelmm left the most comments: 171 thousands, it's 28 per day they're on FurAffinity! They surely like to express their feelings :3
tardis99 leaving approximately 44 comments every day they registered here! What a talkative person :P
kody-the-fox keeps the most journals posted: 3.4K!
wolfy-nail is the most watched account so far: they have ~94 thousands of watchers with ~15 per their day on FA (which is secondary place)! Unbelievable!
zackary911, though, is current leader with ~18 new watchers per their day on FA!
legalkiller1127 keeping the first place in number of accounts they watch (for now ๐): it's 64 thousands.
abyssalsirenart watching roundly 45 new accounts every day, though I doubt they're on the first place ;)
Keep in mind this statistics based only on what I've seen so far, not the latest data on everyone on FA.

Keep in mind this statistics based only on what I've seen so far, not the latest data on everyone on FA.
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Extraterrestial Alien
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The Stanley Parable
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