Views: 104658
Submissions: 343
Favs: 54860

PrOn Artist | Registered: Oct 20, 2010 03:16
He/Him | 27 | Gay ace | Fetish Artist | Armpit, Bulge & Booba enthusiast
Commissions will be announced over Journals/Submissions!
Commissions status: CLOSED, more info here:
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Lineart's, posted art done by other artists and my older art from 2011-2013 can be seen in my Scrabs!
Comments Earned: 2615
Comments Made: 1608
Journals: 131
Comments Made: 1608
Journals: 131
Recent Journal
Update on Commissions, struggling with anxiety
5 months ago
TLDR: Please bear with me about commission progress, I'm trying to get back on my feet but it takes time
Some may remember my journal talking about the possibility of me having ADHD. Well, I got diagnosed in September and it came back unconclusive, meaning it either could be it or my issues stem from my shitty childhood. The plan was to try out ADHD meds regardless to see if they do something.
I was scheduled for december, but this tuesday I ended up seeing my psychiatrist earlier because I was struggling so much with persistent brain fog that I couldn't get anything done.
And well, within an hour of me taking it, the fog has lifted. I can think clearly now and don't look or feel so spaced out anymore. Honestly I couldn't be happier. This is all I hoped for.
Though as you may already guess, there's other roadblocks in my way still. <_< The brain fog is gone, but anxiety continues to be an issue, unfortunately.
So, about Commissions:
At the moment, I can't draw anything without it hitting me hard. It sucks and it's freaking awful but I've been there more times than I can count. Something about ADHD Brain dredging up all the bad experiences and shoving them in my face when I'm trying to do something. (At least that's how a user on the ADHD subreddit described it to me when I vented there) It makes perfect sense to me though because it keeps happening.
All I can do right now is take baby steps to make Brain realize drawing isn't this big scary thing trying to kill us. (I'm not joking when I say it makes me go into a panic if I go over threshhold and push through it)
Here's hoping I can nib it in the bud soon and show more progress on owed work.
Some may remember my journal talking about the possibility of me having ADHD. Well, I got diagnosed in September and it came back unconclusive, meaning it either could be it or my issues stem from my shitty childhood. The plan was to try out ADHD meds regardless to see if they do something.
I was scheduled for december, but this tuesday I ended up seeing my psychiatrist earlier because I was struggling so much with persistent brain fog that I couldn't get anything done.
And well, within an hour of me taking it, the fog has lifted. I can think clearly now and don't look or feel so spaced out anymore. Honestly I couldn't be happier. This is all I hoped for.
Though as you may already guess, there's other roadblocks in my way still. <_< The brain fog is gone, but anxiety continues to be an issue, unfortunately.
So, about Commissions:
At the moment, I can't draw anything without it hitting me hard. It sucks and it's freaking awful but I've been there more times than I can count. Something about ADHD Brain dredging up all the bad experiences and shoving them in my face when I'm trying to do something. (At least that's how a user on the ADHD subreddit described it to me when I vented there) It makes perfect sense to me though because it keeps happening.
All I can do right now is take baby steps to make Brain realize drawing isn't this big scary thing trying to kill us. (I'm not joking when I say it makes me go into a panic if I go over threshhold and push through it)
Here's hoping I can nib it in the bud soon and show more progress on owed work.
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Cher, Bonnie Tyler, Céline Dion, Stevie Nicks, Dolly Parton, Evanescence, Within Temptation, Delain, Elysion
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
The Alien Movies, Moonstruck, Silkwood, everything with Cher <3
Favorite Games
Metroid, Mass Effect 1-3, Warframe, Dragon Age: Origins, Skyrim, SsbB, Super Mario 64, Bomberman 64
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Doggos and 'Yeens
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Coffee ;w;
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