![Click to change the View Night shift at Cherryton [Animation]](http://d.furaffinity.net/art/clair/1672246012/1672246012.clair_gon.gif)
It was getting late on the last school day at Cherryton Academy. All the students had left the facility and gone back home for their holidays. Of course, not everyone had the freedom to lean back and enjoy some free days yet. Especially one certain tiger was always eager to settle as much work as possible before the bureocracy piled up. Principal Gon sat in his office and worked through several big stacks of paper. Most of them concerned the next school year and required a lot of planning and organisation. Others were some leftovers of the past semester. He preferred that kind of paperwork, since it was always a nice opportunity to recall and evaluate past events. They helped him take the right conclusions to plan for the future. But this time, Gon looked back at a year that he would rather forget or even erase. He wished he could go back and prevent the terrible murder of one of his cherished students, along with the events that followed it. Even after the case was closed, Cherryton Academy had once more been unable to appoint a new Beastar.
"Maybe it was a mistake." Gon sighed to himself, as he thought of his most promising candidate. Just moments later he came back to his senses with a determined look on his face. "No. It was the right decision. We can’t force that role onto him." With renewed confidence, he turned to the next stack of paper on his desk. "Maybe next year we will find someone suitable. A strong minded student that understands the responsibility of that role and has the spirit to fulfil it!" The perplexity returned to Gon's thoughts. The issue kept bothering him today. He sat back in his chair and rubbed his eyes. As he glanced out of the window, Gon recognized that his office was the last room that still had its light on in the entire school. It had gotten late so fast. Even the cleaning personnel had long finished their job and left the now pristine building. With a roaring yawn, the tiger decided that he had done enough work for one day. Continued work in a tired and concerned condition would only risk mistakes being made. So he cleaned his desk, put away the finished papers and took one last look around to make sure he had not forgotten anything important. As he put on his coat and was about to leave the office, he had to stop for brief moment again. "Was it really my fault?" The thought kept invading his mind.
The whole school campus was already covered in darkness, as all the outdoor lights were shut off for the holidays. Gon left the building and could only feel his way through the black nothingness in front of him. "Maybe we should leave the lights on for some more days in the future." Not even the best glasses were able to restore the cat senses of his youth. As he walked along the path, a light embarrassed smile formed on the tiger's face, hoping that no one would see him stumble over the area. When suddenly… a noise. “What was that?” Gon felt a tingle run down his back. Like he was being watched. After a second of silence, he blamed the bad state of mind he’d kept all day. Commonly, he never needed to worry about being alone at night. His school was in a safe area and, beyond that, who would mess with a tiger? Admittedly, his last real fight had been over forty years ago, but the scars were still visible on his face. Maybe it was just his imagination, playing pranks on him after a long and tough day. In the close distance he could already see the illuminated parking spot, a bright goal he could pursue. So the tiger proceeded in his way through the darkness.
Out of nowhere Gon felt a terrible jolt. Something grabbed him and held him firmly in place. Everything happened so fast. Before he could understand what was going on, the night got even blacker. No, a bag had been shoved around his head! The tiger continued to roar under his restraints, but found no way to break free. Finally, he had to give in and submit to his captors. "Who are you? What is that all about?" His muffled sounding questions remained unanswered while he was dragged through the unknown. After a few steps, they all came to an end. Gon got pushed down against some solid surface, forced to bend over slightly. "What are you doing?" After his arms were pulled apart, he felt some bonds were wrapped around his wrists. "No! Let me go! What do you want?" Silence followed the endeavour, just occasionally interrupted by whispery muttering. A bead of sweat rolled down the worried tiger's forehead as he awaited his uncertain fate. With a quick, jerky move they pulled the bag from his head. Gon narrowed his eyes at the unexpected light that blinded him. Lucid contours and patterns began to form, his eyes accustoming to the brightness. Slowly the tiger perceived his situation. He looked down, bent over a metalic surface. He hadn't been escorted very far, since he recognized the bonnet of his own car under a streetlight. His stretched arms were tied sideways to the wheels, not allowing him to move either way. Gon tugged frantically on his bonds, but had to accept that he wasn't able to free himself.
"I hope you are having a pleasant evening." An inconvenient familiar voice greeted him from the side in a calm and cold manner. Gon turned his face towards it to face his captor's appearance. "You!" He immediately recognized the small animal, even in the dim light at the edge to the shadows. "I am glad you remember me." A tiny grey squirrel with crossed arms and a grim expression had a very eager eye on the tiger. He stood on a massive hand among a crowd of animals much bigger than himself. All of them were looking rather young and wearing Baryte School uniforms. "I'm afraid you look a bit upset." Gon was so caught off guard, that he struggled to find his words. "What... you... why...?" The squirrel proceeded in a way more aggressive voice. "Do I truly have to remind you of our old little agreement? That you would soon find us a proper Beastar?"
"Is that what this is about? How can you? This is madness!"
"Madness? The only madness here is your denial of our social standards! You have no perception of what it means to live as herbivore, as a lesser, in this society!"
"That's not true. I know it is tough for you! But that doesn't mean I will force my students into a position they cannot bear!"
"No, no, no! You may think you can comprehend, but it's easy to pretend you’re sympathetic while never feeling helpless, weak and exposed at any point in your life! But notice how you feel right now. I can tell by the look in your face, how frightened you must be. You might understand now."
"Unbelievable! I have my principles and will not betray my students to impose a vicious responsibility on them like that!”
"Maybe I have to say it straight to your face."
With these words, the squirrel jumped down to the ground, rushed feisty to one of Gons's legs and started to creep into his trousers in order to climb up the tiger's tall body.
"Wha…! What are you up to? Get out of there!" He quickly climbed up the stripped leg and kept going under his worn shirt. As he crawled up the tiger's furry belly and chest, he noticed a gentle shuddering and squirming from the warm body. Along with it, Gon began to giggle softly and had a light smile on his face. "Heeheehey, stop that! Get out!" But the little rodent climbed further, as if the big cat was a large tree. Sticking his head out of the collar, he got a mischievous look in his eyes. "Interesting..." Apparently changed his mind, he jumped down onto the car. "Could it be that our strong tiger is ticklish?"
Gon's face suddenly paled. He didn't like what he was hearing even a little bit... but he also didn't know what to say. Actually, he never thought of anything like being ticklish. However, the sensation he felt seconds before didn't bode well. "I think we could intensify our little lesson here. Why we don't free him from those pesky clothes? It felt like he’s a little heated anyway right now." A swift movement of the squirrel's hand was enough, to set his companions to work. "You can't do that! Take your hands away!" Moments later his blue suit jacket was torn off, his tie loosened and his shirt ripped away. They revealed his striped, golden upper body and a cream-coloured broad fluffy chest that had partly turned white over the years. Despite the cool night breeze that blew gently through his fur, the tiger started a sweat again. The matter was more than disconcerting for Gon. Anxious, he looked from left to right to make out if someone else might see him bare chested outside. "Don't worry, my friend. There is nobody watching us." Unfortunately that also meant that nobody would come for help. The squirrel surely was amused at the sight of a troubled, strong carnivore, but couldn't await to see him squirm even more as well. "Why wait any longer?"He put on a devilish smirk on his face and signalled one of his attendants with a gesture to begin.
Gon felt heavy footsteps approaching him from behind, accompanied by an uncanny noisy breath. The anticipation caused his steamed body to shiver even more. With delicate finesse, two subtly wiggling paws appeared on the sides of his defenseless body, startling him. They didn't look like the paws of a carnivore, but nevertheless they were equipped with dangerous pointy claws. "Please! Y- you don't have to do this." But all the words he could stutter were no help. Two daring index fingers began to lightly touch the tiger's vulnerable sides, diving into his golden fur and gently scratching up and down. "Nghh!" Gon closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. With all his might, he tried to suppress the urge to laugh. The claws slowly moving across his body were a nearly unbearable sensation. Gradually the number of scratching fingers increased, first to two on each hand, then three, covered more and more area of his trembling flanks. "Nghehe!" A quiet chuckle left the tiger's mouth. But he couldn't allow himself to give them the satisfaction to break now. His tormentor realized it didn't take much anymore now. So he started to mildly poke up and down his sides."Hehe!"
Oh no... Gon bit his lip as he knew that he had given them too much already. Everyone present waited, giddy with excitement, for the distressed and sweaty tiger to lose it. Just then all the claws at once tightly grabbed the tiger's sides and furiously scratched away. The shaken principal immediately widened his eyes, took a deep breath and released the loudest growling laugh of his life. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOOOHHH!" His deep baritone voice echoed through the night and begged for the tickling to stop. But there was no prospect of mercy. It was quite the opposite, when the devilish claws continued to rake through his fur, as if the tickler was trying to trace the stripes on his body. Gon squirmed and twisted, but wasn't able to escape the devious fingers. "HAHAHAHA! STOHOHOHOP! PLEAHEHEHESE!" The sight of agony and screams made everyone around laugh at him as well.
At the forefront stood the little grey squirrel, with the best view of the ordeal. He began to find a dark side within himself that he had never known. Unable to stand watching, he commenced to tease and mock the poor tiger. "Hehe, oh fine big kitty, don't you like to have your belly fondled?" His bodyguard understood that as a direct request and switched to his large exposed stomach. The result was huge and would have made Gon jump, if he could. "HOHOHOHO! GO AWAY THE-HE-HERE! HAHAHAHA!" The squirrel seemed satisfied with this. "Ohoho. I knew it!" His tormentor increased the pressure and kept changing which body parts he attacked. From the tender sides to soft belly or bulky ribs to the firm furry chest. "HAHAHAHA! JUST MAHAHAKE IT STOHOHOP!" His desperate struggles were accented with a blushed face and teary eyes. Sweat was constantly running down his agonized body. All his roaring laughter only seemed to increase, although he was getting more and more out of breath. So the grabbing and poking was toned down a little bit. But it was just the quiet before the storm.
Just as Gon tried to gasp for air again, some mean fingers made their way aloft his upper body. He realised that they were about to reach his damp hairy underarms and panicked. "No no no! Not there! NOT THERE!" That was more than an invitation. As the waggling claws reached the white hairs under his arms, the tiger tugged harder than ever on his bonds. But the ties holding his arms apart were way too sturdy, not allowing him to lower them an inch. With no possible protection, the claws could dip deep into his warm sensitive armpits, wiggling wildly and making the big cat roar and scream without compare. "HOAHAHAHA-HA-HA! STOHOP! I CAN'T STAHAHAND!" The squirrel laughed victoriously. "Hehehe, looks like we found the sweet spot." Seeing the best reactions he provoked so far, his tormentor decided to concentrate on his pits. The tiger laughed and pleaded with all his might for mercy, very much to the amusement of his captors. "Is our kitty cat really that ticklish?"
"Only if you answer my question."
"Haha, and where the most?"
"I can't hear you."
"Good kitten! Hahaha!"
Gon desperately obeyed, as if that would have stopped the torture. But the wiggling and digging inside his armpits just continued unceasingly, making him slam the car with both his hands. Right at the peak of his outburst, the wiggly fingers went still and finally left the his body in peace. The big sweating cat sank completely exhausted down onto his car, panting out of breath.
An obviously pleased squirrel walked nearby and patted Gon's head. "I guess now you can understand the feeling of being helpless." The small mammal didn’t know how his impuslive plan would turn out when he first imagined it. But after the previous events, he was fairly sure that the big tiger would be too embarrassed to tell anyone he had gotten tickled silly in front of his own school. The tired tiger raised his head with tears in his eyes and a look of aversion. But he was way too frazzled to give an answer and breathed heavily. He was just relieved that the gruesome tickling stopped.
"Now, are you ready for the next round?" The squirrel asked keenly. "WHAT!?" Gon widened his eyes in shock as he pulled at his bonds again. "YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!" Subsequently the squirrel crossed his arms and smiled. "Well, I'm a team player and I think that every single one of my aides should get the chance to help you understand us as well, don't you think?" The pale faced and shivering tiger was the image of despair, as footsteps began approaching him from behind again. It had gotten late on the last school day at Cherryton Academy, but the night was far from over.
I made finally something new after I got my pc back. And also finally that tiger. I think his paws will get their own picture someday.
And this time I wrote a little story with the help of
Venombahamut. So if anything is wrong with it, it's only his fault^^ ...but I take the money.
"Maybe it was a mistake." Gon sighed to himself, as he thought of his most promising candidate. Just moments later he came back to his senses with a determined look on his face. "No. It was the right decision. We can’t force that role onto him." With renewed confidence, he turned to the next stack of paper on his desk. "Maybe next year we will find someone suitable. A strong minded student that understands the responsibility of that role and has the spirit to fulfil it!" The perplexity returned to Gon's thoughts. The issue kept bothering him today. He sat back in his chair and rubbed his eyes. As he glanced out of the window, Gon recognized that his office was the last room that still had its light on in the entire school. It had gotten late so fast. Even the cleaning personnel had long finished their job and left the now pristine building. With a roaring yawn, the tiger decided that he had done enough work for one day. Continued work in a tired and concerned condition would only risk mistakes being made. So he cleaned his desk, put away the finished papers and took one last look around to make sure he had not forgotten anything important. As he put on his coat and was about to leave the office, he had to stop for brief moment again. "Was it really my fault?" The thought kept invading his mind.
The whole school campus was already covered in darkness, as all the outdoor lights were shut off for the holidays. Gon left the building and could only feel his way through the black nothingness in front of him. "Maybe we should leave the lights on for some more days in the future." Not even the best glasses were able to restore the cat senses of his youth. As he walked along the path, a light embarrassed smile formed on the tiger's face, hoping that no one would see him stumble over the area. When suddenly… a noise. “What was that?” Gon felt a tingle run down his back. Like he was being watched. After a second of silence, he blamed the bad state of mind he’d kept all day. Commonly, he never needed to worry about being alone at night. His school was in a safe area and, beyond that, who would mess with a tiger? Admittedly, his last real fight had been over forty years ago, but the scars were still visible on his face. Maybe it was just his imagination, playing pranks on him after a long and tough day. In the close distance he could already see the illuminated parking spot, a bright goal he could pursue. So the tiger proceeded in his way through the darkness.
Out of nowhere Gon felt a terrible jolt. Something grabbed him and held him firmly in place. Everything happened so fast. Before he could understand what was going on, the night got even blacker. No, a bag had been shoved around his head! The tiger continued to roar under his restraints, but found no way to break free. Finally, he had to give in and submit to his captors. "Who are you? What is that all about?" His muffled sounding questions remained unanswered while he was dragged through the unknown. After a few steps, they all came to an end. Gon got pushed down against some solid surface, forced to bend over slightly. "What are you doing?" After his arms were pulled apart, he felt some bonds were wrapped around his wrists. "No! Let me go! What do you want?" Silence followed the endeavour, just occasionally interrupted by whispery muttering. A bead of sweat rolled down the worried tiger's forehead as he awaited his uncertain fate. With a quick, jerky move they pulled the bag from his head. Gon narrowed his eyes at the unexpected light that blinded him. Lucid contours and patterns began to form, his eyes accustoming to the brightness. Slowly the tiger perceived his situation. He looked down, bent over a metalic surface. He hadn't been escorted very far, since he recognized the bonnet of his own car under a streetlight. His stretched arms were tied sideways to the wheels, not allowing him to move either way. Gon tugged frantically on his bonds, but had to accept that he wasn't able to free himself.
"I hope you are having a pleasant evening." An inconvenient familiar voice greeted him from the side in a calm and cold manner. Gon turned his face towards it to face his captor's appearance. "You!" He immediately recognized the small animal, even in the dim light at the edge to the shadows. "I am glad you remember me." A tiny grey squirrel with crossed arms and a grim expression had a very eager eye on the tiger. He stood on a massive hand among a crowd of animals much bigger than himself. All of them were looking rather young and wearing Baryte School uniforms. "I'm afraid you look a bit upset." Gon was so caught off guard, that he struggled to find his words. "What... you... why...?" The squirrel proceeded in a way more aggressive voice. "Do I truly have to remind you of our old little agreement? That you would soon find us a proper Beastar?"
"Is that what this is about? How can you? This is madness!"
"Madness? The only madness here is your denial of our social standards! You have no perception of what it means to live as herbivore, as a lesser, in this society!"
"That's not true. I know it is tough for you! But that doesn't mean I will force my students into a position they cannot bear!"
"No, no, no! You may think you can comprehend, but it's easy to pretend you’re sympathetic while never feeling helpless, weak and exposed at any point in your life! But notice how you feel right now. I can tell by the look in your face, how frightened you must be. You might understand now."
"Unbelievable! I have my principles and will not betray my students to impose a vicious responsibility on them like that!”
"Maybe I have to say it straight to your face."
With these words, the squirrel jumped down to the ground, rushed feisty to one of Gons's legs and started to creep into his trousers in order to climb up the tiger's tall body.
"Wha…! What are you up to? Get out of there!" He quickly climbed up the stripped leg and kept going under his worn shirt. As he crawled up the tiger's furry belly and chest, he noticed a gentle shuddering and squirming from the warm body. Along with it, Gon began to giggle softly and had a light smile on his face. "Heeheehey, stop that! Get out!" But the little rodent climbed further, as if the big cat was a large tree. Sticking his head out of the collar, he got a mischievous look in his eyes. "Interesting..." Apparently changed his mind, he jumped down onto the car. "Could it be that our strong tiger is ticklish?"
Gon's face suddenly paled. He didn't like what he was hearing even a little bit... but he also didn't know what to say. Actually, he never thought of anything like being ticklish. However, the sensation he felt seconds before didn't bode well. "I think we could intensify our little lesson here. Why we don't free him from those pesky clothes? It felt like he’s a little heated anyway right now." A swift movement of the squirrel's hand was enough, to set his companions to work. "You can't do that! Take your hands away!" Moments later his blue suit jacket was torn off, his tie loosened and his shirt ripped away. They revealed his striped, golden upper body and a cream-coloured broad fluffy chest that had partly turned white over the years. Despite the cool night breeze that blew gently through his fur, the tiger started a sweat again. The matter was more than disconcerting for Gon. Anxious, he looked from left to right to make out if someone else might see him bare chested outside. "Don't worry, my friend. There is nobody watching us." Unfortunately that also meant that nobody would come for help. The squirrel surely was amused at the sight of a troubled, strong carnivore, but couldn't await to see him squirm even more as well. "Why wait any longer?"He put on a devilish smirk on his face and signalled one of his attendants with a gesture to begin.
Gon felt heavy footsteps approaching him from behind, accompanied by an uncanny noisy breath. The anticipation caused his steamed body to shiver even more. With delicate finesse, two subtly wiggling paws appeared on the sides of his defenseless body, startling him. They didn't look like the paws of a carnivore, but nevertheless they were equipped with dangerous pointy claws. "Please! Y- you don't have to do this." But all the words he could stutter were no help. Two daring index fingers began to lightly touch the tiger's vulnerable sides, diving into his golden fur and gently scratching up and down. "Nghh!" Gon closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. With all his might, he tried to suppress the urge to laugh. The claws slowly moving across his body were a nearly unbearable sensation. Gradually the number of scratching fingers increased, first to two on each hand, then three, covered more and more area of his trembling flanks. "Nghehe!" A quiet chuckle left the tiger's mouth. But he couldn't allow himself to give them the satisfaction to break now. His tormentor realized it didn't take much anymore now. So he started to mildly poke up and down his sides."Hehe!"
Oh no... Gon bit his lip as he knew that he had given them too much already. Everyone present waited, giddy with excitement, for the distressed and sweaty tiger to lose it. Just then all the claws at once tightly grabbed the tiger's sides and furiously scratched away. The shaken principal immediately widened his eyes, took a deep breath and released the loudest growling laugh of his life. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOOOHHH!" His deep baritone voice echoed through the night and begged for the tickling to stop. But there was no prospect of mercy. It was quite the opposite, when the devilish claws continued to rake through his fur, as if the tickler was trying to trace the stripes on his body. Gon squirmed and twisted, but wasn't able to escape the devious fingers. "HAHAHAHA! STOHOHOHOP! PLEAHEHEHESE!" The sight of agony and screams made everyone around laugh at him as well.
At the forefront stood the little grey squirrel, with the best view of the ordeal. He began to find a dark side within himself that he had never known. Unable to stand watching, he commenced to tease and mock the poor tiger. "Hehe, oh fine big kitty, don't you like to have your belly fondled?" His bodyguard understood that as a direct request and switched to his large exposed stomach. The result was huge and would have made Gon jump, if he could. "HOHOHOHO! GO AWAY THE-HE-HERE! HAHAHAHA!" The squirrel seemed satisfied with this. "Ohoho. I knew it!" His tormentor increased the pressure and kept changing which body parts he attacked. From the tender sides to soft belly or bulky ribs to the firm furry chest. "HAHAHAHA! JUST MAHAHAKE IT STOHOHOP!" His desperate struggles were accented with a blushed face and teary eyes. Sweat was constantly running down his agonized body. All his roaring laughter only seemed to increase, although he was getting more and more out of breath. So the grabbing and poking was toned down a little bit. But it was just the quiet before the storm.
Just as Gon tried to gasp for air again, some mean fingers made their way aloft his upper body. He realised that they were about to reach his damp hairy underarms and panicked. "No no no! Not there! NOT THERE!" That was more than an invitation. As the waggling claws reached the white hairs under his arms, the tiger tugged harder than ever on his bonds. But the ties holding his arms apart were way too sturdy, not allowing him to lower them an inch. With no possible protection, the claws could dip deep into his warm sensitive armpits, wiggling wildly and making the big cat roar and scream without compare. "HOAHAHAHA-HA-HA! STOHOP! I CAN'T STAHAHAND!" The squirrel laughed victoriously. "Hehehe, looks like we found the sweet spot." Seeing the best reactions he provoked so far, his tormentor decided to concentrate on his pits. The tiger laughed and pleaded with all his might for mercy, very much to the amusement of his captors. "Is our kitty cat really that ticklish?"
"Only if you answer my question."
"Haha, and where the most?"
"I can't hear you."
"Good kitten! Hahaha!"
Gon desperately obeyed, as if that would have stopped the torture. But the wiggling and digging inside his armpits just continued unceasingly, making him slam the car with both his hands. Right at the peak of his outburst, the wiggly fingers went still and finally left the his body in peace. The big sweating cat sank completely exhausted down onto his car, panting out of breath.
An obviously pleased squirrel walked nearby and patted Gon's head. "I guess now you can understand the feeling of being helpless." The small mammal didn’t know how his impuslive plan would turn out when he first imagined it. But after the previous events, he was fairly sure that the big tiger would be too embarrassed to tell anyone he had gotten tickled silly in front of his own school. The tired tiger raised his head with tears in his eyes and a look of aversion. But he was way too frazzled to give an answer and breathed heavily. He was just relieved that the gruesome tickling stopped.
"Now, are you ready for the next round?" The squirrel asked keenly. "WHAT!?" Gon widened his eyes in shock as he pulled at his bonds again. "YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!" Subsequently the squirrel crossed his arms and smiled. "Well, I'm a team player and I think that every single one of my aides should get the chance to help you understand us as well, don't you think?" The pale faced and shivering tiger was the image of despair, as footsteps began approaching him from behind again. It had gotten late on the last school day at Cherryton Academy, but the night was far from over.
I made finally something new after I got my pc back. And also finally that tiger. I think his paws will get their own picture someday.
And this time I wrote a little story with the help of

Category All / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 900 x 675px
File Size 9.72 MB
Long time no had see you Clair and I'm happy you find tve motivation to get back after what happened.. I hole nothing like this will ever happen again but I suppose you took already some dispositions "just in case" ?
Still see you back make me happy because we missed your amazing work and you come back with a new creat animation and even a good stiry with, all is perfectly put tigether so thanks for this moment of fun ^w^ !!
Also hope you had a nice christmas/holiday winter on your side despite all. Welcome back on FA ^^
Still see you back make me happy because we missed your amazing work and you come back with a new creat animation and even a good stiry with, all is perfectly put tigether so thanks for this moment of fun ^w^ !!
Also hope you had a nice christmas/holiday winter on your side despite all. Welcome back on FA ^^
Really amazing tickle animation and really good story that you've wrote for it ^^
For a moment I thought that the kangaroo was Roger from Beastars. Maybe I could be wrong, or maybe it's really him ^^
And I can't wait to see Gon's mature tiger paws again ^^
And maybe if that kangaroo is Roger, I would really like to see a foot fetish pic with him, too ^^
For a moment I thought that the kangaroo was Roger from Beastars. Maybe I could be wrong, or maybe it's really him ^^
And I can't wait to see Gon's mature tiger paws again ^^
And maybe if that kangaroo is Roger, I would really like to see a foot fetish pic with him, too ^^