[ Mythos "New World" - Personal Project ]
Full Digital Color + Background
Jade! 🔥 My Jaguar Warrior Queen!
- "The Mighty Queen of Balam!"
She´s a Main Character - From Mythos my Story!
🔥 Jade is the Bride of the Mighty Lord Balam
Guardian of the Jaguar Clans - She was sadly left Widow
when her husband lost his life to the Old World Invaders -
Jade is now tasked with leading her people and protecting
her Loved ones from an upcoming War.
🔥 Meet Queen Jade´s Children- Her Three little Cubs!
She was blessed with triplets after having trouble
conceiving for a few years - Princess Itayetzi "Moon Dew"
The Rascall Prince Tonalli "Sun Heat" and her Quiet
but Brave One - Prince Chichan "Little One"!
🔥 She´s actually named after the most valued
and sacred stone in Mayan Culture - The Jade Stone -
in Mayan "Ya'ax chich hun" -- Her Parents we´re humble
traders and she was the only daughter they could conceive,
they treasured her as the very same stones they carved from
the mines they worked on for days none end -
🔥 She had to take responsibility of her household when she was
young, after her Poppa passed away - She learned to work
hard and earn her day´s meal, long before Lord Balam of the
Jaguar Clans married her in the Aztlan Wars.
🔥 Jade is one of my Favs from Mythos New World -
Tyla is the ode of daughters as Jade is the Ode of Mothers,
they are my center and soul when telling stories
in both Mythos New and Old World.
Art / Design Jade Jaguar Warrior Queen ©
jeso J.B. Villalobos, Jeso 2022
Check out my Halloween Double Feature
Stream with Jade´s Pic as a Bonus, on my Video Archive!
Hope you Guys are Ready!🔥 - Cause Art Season 2 - is Currently LIVE!
So if you were up for the Next Art Ride / COMMISSION Boat, stay tuned!
Cause we´re coming in hot!
JB. Villalobos
Full Digital Color + Background
Jade! 🔥 My Jaguar Warrior Queen!
- "The Mighty Queen of Balam!"
She´s a Main Character - From Mythos my Story!
🔥 Jade is the Bride of the Mighty Lord Balam
Guardian of the Jaguar Clans - She was sadly left Widow
when her husband lost his life to the Old World Invaders -
Jade is now tasked with leading her people and protecting
her Loved ones from an upcoming War.
🔥 Meet Queen Jade´s Children- Her Three little Cubs!
She was blessed with triplets after having trouble
conceiving for a few years - Princess Itayetzi "Moon Dew"
The Rascall Prince Tonalli "Sun Heat" and her Quiet
but Brave One - Prince Chichan "Little One"!
🔥 She´s actually named after the most valued
and sacred stone in Mayan Culture - The Jade Stone -
in Mayan "Ya'ax chich hun" -- Her Parents we´re humble
traders and she was the only daughter they could conceive,
they treasured her as the very same stones they carved from
the mines they worked on for days none end -
🔥 She had to take responsibility of her household when she was
young, after her Poppa passed away - She learned to work
hard and earn her day´s meal, long before Lord Balam of the
Jaguar Clans married her in the Aztlan Wars.
🔥 Jade is one of my Favs from Mythos New World -
Tyla is the ode of daughters as Jade is the Ode of Mothers,
they are my center and soul when telling stories
in both Mythos New and Old World.
Art / Design Jade Jaguar Warrior Queen ©

Check out my Halloween Double Feature
Stream with Jade´s Pic as a Bonus, on my Video Archive!
Hope you Guys are Ready!🔥 - Cause Art Season 2 - is Currently LIVE!
So if you were up for the Next Art Ride / COMMISSION Boat, stay tuned!
Cause we´re coming in hot!
JB. Villalobos
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Jaguar
Gender Female
Size 828 x 1280px
File Size 413.6 kB
Also, the backstory about Jade, as well as the information about her, is interesting, sad and hopeful at the same time; I really like it. And to finish, I must say that not only Jade looks great here (appearance, clothes and accessories), but also this scene, in which she is with her children, is very adorable and lovely; amazing work. :3