INSTRUCTIONS: When you come to the red and blue colored options, choose red to continue immediately, or choose blue by scrolling down until you find the blue text.
Chumani is a tall anthropomorphic vixen with ordinary fox colors, dressed in a tan bra and a loincloth of the same material (which only covers her crotch). The girl was far out in the forest, away from her tribe. She loved nothing more than to adventure. Splintered sunlight drew across the flora as Chumani ran beneath the treeline, her tail flailing side-by-side above her white butt and feet thumping the soil. The fox had a light step, she hardly made any noise at all. Coming to a vast opening, a great oak tree comes into view.
The tree is a massive fortress without a clear entrance of any kind, up high a walkway can be seen with patrolling guard squirrels. They carry little wooden pellet rifles and helmets, forces that probably shouldn't be underestimated. Down below, more forces circle the perimeter. Chumani's quest is to obtain the stolen Tribes Jewel from the squirrels and return it to the fox tribe. The vixen thinks up a couple of ways to get in, how will she approach such a place?
(OPTION A) Vore Rush
It's simple, charge in and eat whatever gets in your way and you'll have that Tribes Jewel in no time.
(OPTION B) Sneaky Squeaky
Disguise yourself as one of them and climb right in, incognito style. The Tribes Jewel will be gone before they know it.
(OPTION A) Vore Rush
The fox charges from the brush, tongue dangling from her maw with a wild look in her eye. The guard at the front squeaks for back-up as he points his rifle. With three squirrels on the ground and three on the upper walkways, they pepper Chumani's fur with various seeds and nuts. "Ow, ow, ow!" She growls. Diving like a shark at the guard in the middle, the vixen slaps the rifle out of his paws with her tongue and clamps her mouth around him. Bulging her throat, the critter glides into her stomach as she looks over the other prey.
Bending over, Chumani flicks the weapon from the other guard and eats him up as the third peppers her butt with more rounds. The vixens big bushy tail swipes him up in the air, widening her dripping maw as the critter makes his descent towards the predator. Mid-fall, the squirrel tearfully pulls the pin from his grenade corn and plummets straight down her gullet. Devilishly licking her lips, the vixens tummy bulges strongly from the bomb then settles back down - smoke flowing from all orifices.
Digging her claws into the tree bark, the fox climbs at a moderate pace. Normally she'd be faster than this, but her stomach is a little full at the moment, and now isn't the time to digest. The three guards shoot down at her, but she simply won't stop. Brushing her paw across the walkway, all three rifles get tossed to the wind. Wide-mouthed and bug-eyed, Chumani grabs all three and swallows them in one big gulp. They wrestle around in her distended gut, only giving her more satisfaction. There appears to be a small hole behind this fake bark wall, what will the fox do?
(OPTION A1) Vore Rush
Shove her head in and see what's on the menu.
(OPTION A2) Vore Rush
Climb up further and look for another way inside.
(OPTION A1) Vore Rush
Chumani impulsively blasts her face through the fake wall and gets her head stuck... Nice one. Examining the immediate surroundings, the room is full of gold and the Tribes Jewel is straight ahead. A squirrel squeaks condescendingly at her, wearing an executioners mask - he holds a pair of bellows in his paws. With an annoyed growl, the fox snaps at him, only to have the tube of the device shoved down her throat. Spreading the handles apart, Chumani's expression turns sorrowful as she begs for him not to inflate her.
Meanwhile, in the stomach of the vixen... Six squirrels are huddled together, three of them are skeletons. They squeak to one another, reminiscing about the past with a red glow stick. Pausing their war stories, they notice the increase in space they've been getting every so often. "Mph...!" Whimpers the fox, her abdomen ballooning far enough for her feet to fling away from the tree. With both arms pushing desperately against it, her eyes twirl more and more with each pump of air. The flesh of her belly became as tight as a drum.
PA! Her navel juts out with a tiny X across it, legs and tail flailing helplessly while her body makes audible twangs from too much air. When the fox explodes, the rodents in the belly of the beast will be free! But so far, she's proving to be quite resilient. Taking on the shape of a yoga ball, the vixens limbs point in all directions, unable to control them anymore as her eyes bulge with pressure. Gently, they all retreat back into her body, her head struggling to do so.
Sweat drips down the executioners brow, watching the beasts head retract back into her own neck with each pump. Hoping she'll pop on this one, he gives Chumani another strong heave, and then- PFFF! the wall bursts apart as the fox swivels away like a runaway balloon, air escaping her maw on course back to her village. During this expulsion, the 3 rodents and their skeleton crew all exit her throat and land safely across the trees. Chumani, on the other hand, falls right on her face in the center of the fox tribe, embarrassed by the fly show and the fact she's come home empty-handed. THE END
(OPTION A2) Vore Rush
Chumani climbs further up the oak, finding an airplane hanger hidden behind the leaves. Squirrel pilots panic as they run for their lives, the vixen stomps on a private jet and howls aggressively at them. Three firefighters run out with a hose and blast the burning jet. Licking her lips, she gets down on all fours crawls towards them with an open mouth. Identifying the immediate threat, they switch the settings from water to cola and spray pressurized soda down her throat. Swallowing the soft drink carelessly, her abdomen bloats into a big gurgling orb.
The floor creaks beneath her, finally realizing the growing tension in her center. Chumani tugs the hose towards her, two of the three firefighters fly into her maw. They kick around helplessly, the fox gulps them both down at once in a slow ride to the gut. Potbellied and primal, the vixens legs ache as she stands upright and- crack! the floor snaps under her immense weight. Holding onto the fire hose for dear life, she dangles helplessly in a room filled with honey bees and wasps, further down is a trap door leading to who knows where.
Wasps buzz around Chumani's sloshing bloat as she desperately swats them away, so full they can smell the sugary drink emanating through the taut flesh of her abdomen. If any of them sting her, she'll pop for sure. The last firefighter whistles above the fox, looking down triumphantly. Taking a leap of faith, Chumani instinctually gapes her mouth to add this prey to her collection. Suddenly, he pulls out a pack of Mentos and snaps it in half. "Eat this you b-" He squeaks, plunged straight down her throat.
The joy on her face turns to confusion as the soda in her belly rumbles monstrously. Falling from the rope to the trap door, she butt-slams into the room below, which is littered with treasures. Spotting the Tribes Jewel, Chumani whimpers and finds she can no longer move. The soda in combination with the candy has turned her into a fizzing time bomb, inflating her at an alarming rate. Immobilized, the girl flails coins around the room in sheer panic as she expands at an alarming rate. Rubbing her abdomen for comfort with a sigh of hope, her body erupts like a crack of thunder as all the squirrels that were eaten pour out... THE END
(OPTION B) Sneaky Squeaky
The fox emerges from the brush, her fur color has changed from orange/white to pure gray and she wears big fake chompers for an added effect. A squirrel spots Chumani immediately, pointing his rifle as she raises her paws. Squeaking with authority, the girl squeaks in response, careful about her tone of squeak. After a while he smiles, finding nothing out of the ordinary. Pulling a key card from his tail, he slides it through a crack in the bark and a passage opens up. Squeaking thankfully, the vixen just barely fits through the entrance.
At the lower level of the facility, worker squirrels systematically transport hordes of nuts up and down through various parts of the tree - nobody suspecting the huge squirrel is secretly a fox. A sign on the wall reads: Grand Treasures Vault, mid-level. The vixen grins, the path to her objective seeming clear. Before traversing the wall, an adorable squirrel in a pink apron offers Chumani a quality acorn as a gift for new guests. She squeaks about how tough it is to find one of such rarity and that it brings good luck to newcomers. What will the vixen do?
(OPTION B1) Sneaky Squeaky
Squeak in acceptance of the kind gift.
(OPTION B2) Sneaky Squeaky
Squeak in denial of the kind gift.
(OPTION B1) Sneaky Squeaky
The fox graciously accepts the acorn and pops it in her mouth, chomping it uncomfortably. "MMM!" She fake smiles, painfully swallowing it as the squirrel happily goes back to work. Digging her nails into the chamber walls, the vixen climbs straight up to the mid-level of the facility and finds the treasure room. A guard in an executioners mask stands firm. He squeaks that for having such comradery, Chumani's free to have one of whatever treasure she pleases. Of course, she plucks the Tribes Jewel from the gold pile and heads on her merry way home. THE END
(OPTION B2) Sneaky Squeaky
The fox denies the acorn and climbs towards the Treasure Vault, the squirrel is totally offended. Scrunching her face like she just ate something ultra sour, the squirrel pulls back the fur on her wrist like a sleeve and signals Morse-Squeak via radio to the upper levels. Chumani finds the treasure trove, a guard in an executioners mask squints harshly at her. Suddenly, grappling hooks shoot from the piles of gold and latch onto the vixens fur - pulling the fox to her back, she gets tied to the floor in total restraint.
Chumani's mouth is held open with more hooks, the executioner looking over the vixens fangs like a dentist on her chest. Pulling out the fake front teeth, a crowd on the side all gasp as they sit in a jury stand - waving their little fists angrily. The ceiling opens up above Chumani's face, she could only whimper in response. Bees and wasps emerge from the passage as a thick stream of honey drips directly into the girls throat, the sweet taste is overwhelming as she gurgles the delicious punishment.
Her expression grew worried as she swallowed, the executioner rubbing the girls throat to help the passage of each gulp. Everyone observed the vixens middle, pulsing with each uncomfortable moment. Pushing out further and further, her abdomen swelled like a balloon as thick honey churned around inside. The fur on her stomach thinned more and more, taking on the shape of a big basketball. Soon the fox looked as if she was pregnant with herself, getting a protuberant bellybutton to boot.
Moaning through the neverending honey, the jury had decided that Chumani's honey-filled fate was punishment enough for the sneak-in. Soon after, the girls bloated body was hoisted down to the grass where she could leave and never return. Hic! Hiccups the fox, waddling away as if she's in a drunken stupor. The girls skinny legs quivered with each step, weighed down and tanked by the immense filling. She'd never been this full before, feeling like a bomb ready to burst. With both paws at her lower back, Chumani gurgled her way back to the tribe, carrying nothing but a belly full of liquid gold... THE END
Chumani is a tall anthropomorphic vixen with ordinary fox colors, dressed in a tan bra and a loincloth of the same material (which only covers her crotch). The girl was far out in the forest, away from her tribe. She loved nothing more than to adventure. Splintered sunlight drew across the flora as Chumani ran beneath the treeline, her tail flailing side-by-side above her white butt and feet thumping the soil. The fox had a light step, she hardly made any noise at all. Coming to a vast opening, a great oak tree comes into view.
The tree is a massive fortress without a clear entrance of any kind, up high a walkway can be seen with patrolling guard squirrels. They carry little wooden pellet rifles and helmets, forces that probably shouldn't be underestimated. Down below, more forces circle the perimeter. Chumani's quest is to obtain the stolen Tribes Jewel from the squirrels and return it to the fox tribe. The vixen thinks up a couple of ways to get in, how will she approach such a place?
(OPTION A) Vore Rush
It's simple, charge in and eat whatever gets in your way and you'll have that Tribes Jewel in no time.
(OPTION B) Sneaky Squeaky
Disguise yourself as one of them and climb right in, incognito style. The Tribes Jewel will be gone before they know it.
(OPTION A) Vore Rush
The fox charges from the brush, tongue dangling from her maw with a wild look in her eye. The guard at the front squeaks for back-up as he points his rifle. With three squirrels on the ground and three on the upper walkways, they pepper Chumani's fur with various seeds and nuts. "Ow, ow, ow!" She growls. Diving like a shark at the guard in the middle, the vixen slaps the rifle out of his paws with her tongue and clamps her mouth around him. Bulging her throat, the critter glides into her stomach as she looks over the other prey.
Bending over, Chumani flicks the weapon from the other guard and eats him up as the third peppers her butt with more rounds. The vixens big bushy tail swipes him up in the air, widening her dripping maw as the critter makes his descent towards the predator. Mid-fall, the squirrel tearfully pulls the pin from his grenade corn and plummets straight down her gullet. Devilishly licking her lips, the vixens tummy bulges strongly from the bomb then settles back down - smoke flowing from all orifices.
Digging her claws into the tree bark, the fox climbs at a moderate pace. Normally she'd be faster than this, but her stomach is a little full at the moment, and now isn't the time to digest. The three guards shoot down at her, but she simply won't stop. Brushing her paw across the walkway, all three rifles get tossed to the wind. Wide-mouthed and bug-eyed, Chumani grabs all three and swallows them in one big gulp. They wrestle around in her distended gut, only giving her more satisfaction. There appears to be a small hole behind this fake bark wall, what will the fox do?
(OPTION A1) Vore Rush
Shove her head in and see what's on the menu.
(OPTION A2) Vore Rush
Climb up further and look for another way inside.
(OPTION A1) Vore Rush
Chumani impulsively blasts her face through the fake wall and gets her head stuck... Nice one. Examining the immediate surroundings, the room is full of gold and the Tribes Jewel is straight ahead. A squirrel squeaks condescendingly at her, wearing an executioners mask - he holds a pair of bellows in his paws. With an annoyed growl, the fox snaps at him, only to have the tube of the device shoved down her throat. Spreading the handles apart, Chumani's expression turns sorrowful as she begs for him not to inflate her.
Meanwhile, in the stomach of the vixen... Six squirrels are huddled together, three of them are skeletons. They squeak to one another, reminiscing about the past with a red glow stick. Pausing their war stories, they notice the increase in space they've been getting every so often. "Mph...!" Whimpers the fox, her abdomen ballooning far enough for her feet to fling away from the tree. With both arms pushing desperately against it, her eyes twirl more and more with each pump of air. The flesh of her belly became as tight as a drum.
PA! Her navel juts out with a tiny X across it, legs and tail flailing helplessly while her body makes audible twangs from too much air. When the fox explodes, the rodents in the belly of the beast will be free! But so far, she's proving to be quite resilient. Taking on the shape of a yoga ball, the vixens limbs point in all directions, unable to control them anymore as her eyes bulge with pressure. Gently, they all retreat back into her body, her head struggling to do so.
Sweat drips down the executioners brow, watching the beasts head retract back into her own neck with each pump. Hoping she'll pop on this one, he gives Chumani another strong heave, and then- PFFF! the wall bursts apart as the fox swivels away like a runaway balloon, air escaping her maw on course back to her village. During this expulsion, the 3 rodents and their skeleton crew all exit her throat and land safely across the trees. Chumani, on the other hand, falls right on her face in the center of the fox tribe, embarrassed by the fly show and the fact she's come home empty-handed. THE END
(OPTION A2) Vore Rush
Chumani climbs further up the oak, finding an airplane hanger hidden behind the leaves. Squirrel pilots panic as they run for their lives, the vixen stomps on a private jet and howls aggressively at them. Three firefighters run out with a hose and blast the burning jet. Licking her lips, she gets down on all fours crawls towards them with an open mouth. Identifying the immediate threat, they switch the settings from water to cola and spray pressurized soda down her throat. Swallowing the soft drink carelessly, her abdomen bloats into a big gurgling orb.
The floor creaks beneath her, finally realizing the growing tension in her center. Chumani tugs the hose towards her, two of the three firefighters fly into her maw. They kick around helplessly, the fox gulps them both down at once in a slow ride to the gut. Potbellied and primal, the vixens legs ache as she stands upright and- crack! the floor snaps under her immense weight. Holding onto the fire hose for dear life, she dangles helplessly in a room filled with honey bees and wasps, further down is a trap door leading to who knows where.
Wasps buzz around Chumani's sloshing bloat as she desperately swats them away, so full they can smell the sugary drink emanating through the taut flesh of her abdomen. If any of them sting her, she'll pop for sure. The last firefighter whistles above the fox, looking down triumphantly. Taking a leap of faith, Chumani instinctually gapes her mouth to add this prey to her collection. Suddenly, he pulls out a pack of Mentos and snaps it in half. "Eat this you b-" He squeaks, plunged straight down her throat.
The joy on her face turns to confusion as the soda in her belly rumbles monstrously. Falling from the rope to the trap door, she butt-slams into the room below, which is littered with treasures. Spotting the Tribes Jewel, Chumani whimpers and finds she can no longer move. The soda in combination with the candy has turned her into a fizzing time bomb, inflating her at an alarming rate. Immobilized, the girl flails coins around the room in sheer panic as she expands at an alarming rate. Rubbing her abdomen for comfort with a sigh of hope, her body erupts like a crack of thunder as all the squirrels that were eaten pour out... THE END
(OPTION B) Sneaky Squeaky
The fox emerges from the brush, her fur color has changed from orange/white to pure gray and she wears big fake chompers for an added effect. A squirrel spots Chumani immediately, pointing his rifle as she raises her paws. Squeaking with authority, the girl squeaks in response, careful about her tone of squeak. After a while he smiles, finding nothing out of the ordinary. Pulling a key card from his tail, he slides it through a crack in the bark and a passage opens up. Squeaking thankfully, the vixen just barely fits through the entrance.
At the lower level of the facility, worker squirrels systematically transport hordes of nuts up and down through various parts of the tree - nobody suspecting the huge squirrel is secretly a fox. A sign on the wall reads: Grand Treasures Vault, mid-level. The vixen grins, the path to her objective seeming clear. Before traversing the wall, an adorable squirrel in a pink apron offers Chumani a quality acorn as a gift for new guests. She squeaks about how tough it is to find one of such rarity and that it brings good luck to newcomers. What will the vixen do?
(OPTION B1) Sneaky Squeaky
Squeak in acceptance of the kind gift.
(OPTION B2) Sneaky Squeaky
Squeak in denial of the kind gift.
(OPTION B1) Sneaky Squeaky
The fox graciously accepts the acorn and pops it in her mouth, chomping it uncomfortably. "MMM!" She fake smiles, painfully swallowing it as the squirrel happily goes back to work. Digging her nails into the chamber walls, the vixen climbs straight up to the mid-level of the facility and finds the treasure room. A guard in an executioners mask stands firm. He squeaks that for having such comradery, Chumani's free to have one of whatever treasure she pleases. Of course, she plucks the Tribes Jewel from the gold pile and heads on her merry way home. THE END
(OPTION B2) Sneaky Squeaky
The fox denies the acorn and climbs towards the Treasure Vault, the squirrel is totally offended. Scrunching her face like she just ate something ultra sour, the squirrel pulls back the fur on her wrist like a sleeve and signals Morse-Squeak via radio to the upper levels. Chumani finds the treasure trove, a guard in an executioners mask squints harshly at her. Suddenly, grappling hooks shoot from the piles of gold and latch onto the vixens fur - pulling the fox to her back, she gets tied to the floor in total restraint.
Chumani's mouth is held open with more hooks, the executioner looking over the vixens fangs like a dentist on her chest. Pulling out the fake front teeth, a crowd on the side all gasp as they sit in a jury stand - waving their little fists angrily. The ceiling opens up above Chumani's face, she could only whimper in response. Bees and wasps emerge from the passage as a thick stream of honey drips directly into the girls throat, the sweet taste is overwhelming as she gurgles the delicious punishment.
Her expression grew worried as she swallowed, the executioner rubbing the girls throat to help the passage of each gulp. Everyone observed the vixens middle, pulsing with each uncomfortable moment. Pushing out further and further, her abdomen swelled like a balloon as thick honey churned around inside. The fur on her stomach thinned more and more, taking on the shape of a big basketball. Soon the fox looked as if she was pregnant with herself, getting a protuberant bellybutton to boot.
Moaning through the neverending honey, the jury had decided that Chumani's honey-filled fate was punishment enough for the sneak-in. Soon after, the girls bloated body was hoisted down to the grass where she could leave and never return. Hic! Hiccups the fox, waddling away as if she's in a drunken stupor. The girls skinny legs quivered with each step, weighed down and tanked by the immense filling. She'd never been this full before, feeling like a bomb ready to burst. With both paws at her lower back, Chumani gurgled her way back to the tribe, carrying nothing but a belly full of liquid gold... THE END
Category Story / Inflation
Species Fox (Other)
Gender Female
Size 135 x 105px
File Size 8.3 kB