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Writer | Registered: Dec 12, 2006 01:15
Page last updated 13.08.2024 - [Use the Day / Month / Year method here] Going through and adding stories to backlog (Some of them are ooollllddd!)
Taopity tappity typity - Having fun doing the writing thingy!
Scraps are used pretty frequently when I'm working on stuff!
Current things in the works - Pretty much everything is on hold at the moment ; Things get done when they get done.
Balls and Birthing - Looking into why Imperial science perverts and their cartel lackeys are galactic menaces. A case study on why there's always another beguiler behind you. Why aggressive gene modification is restricted within Confederation territories.
Federation, Federation, and Federations (Short series starting with Operatives and Agents) - Short story rough outlined, frankenreference *part 1 done, artist contacted, rough sent, payment done. Waiting to hear back from artist.
Short Description - An operators work is never simple. Dissidents, traitors, and keeping the curtain closed is hard work. (This will be ongoing, other things will be done before the series is finished. Looking for artist - Previous artist kinda... ran into a years long art-block issue.)
That's not how it works! - A deep look at repurposed organs by the empire and the hive/swarmers. Alternate title "Reproductive organs for reproduction!" - testicles as wombs, cocks as birth canals, these boys are in for a long ride. (Have an artist in mind. Broke as all hell at the moment so doing this will need to wait. Have a story in mind, but not outlined)
Volunteer Labor - Three heads in green, a horse, and a bull find themselves volun-told in a particular sort of production line with a theme. Feds executive bar where everything on tap is white, the theme is Moo, and they're going to be at it for a few months at a minimum. (Have an artist in mind, have a story outlined.)
You can't lick your own elbow (But your friends can!) - Short story rough outlined, art completed.
Short Description - A closer look at smugglers and the cartels and the things they do to who they've collected. (Story short on pause for now, wanted to get some character sheets done)
Squids - The final frontier. Not really, they're just nosy. - Short story rough outlined, frankenreference on hold, still fiddling around hard with this one
Short Description - A comedy of tentacles, probes, and cephalopods who are bad at keeping their suction cups to themselves.
Matches and Exhibitions - Giants in the playground. - Short story rough outlined, frankenreference on hold, two to three part maybe?
Short Description - Propaganda, super soldiers, and Sports! A match of the Federation's best going head to head with the Empire's finest all in a hot and sweaty display of martial prowess. (On Hold. Not sure what I want to do with this one yet)
The ambassador's Effects 2 - Why my predecessor went native - Short story rough written, frankenreference in the works, no artist yet
Short Description - Dalla rummages through more of the effects left behind by former ambassador Harken and finds Imperial house warming gifts to have a strange penetrative quality to them.
Taopity tappity typity - Having fun doing the writing thingy!
Scraps are used pretty frequently when I'm working on stuff!
Current things in the works - Pretty much everything is on hold at the moment ; Things get done when they get done.
Balls and Birthing - Looking into why Imperial science perverts and their cartel lackeys are galactic menaces. A case study on why there's always another beguiler behind you. Why aggressive gene modification is restricted within Confederation territories.
Federation, Federation, and Federations (Short series starting with Operatives and Agents) - Short story rough outlined, frankenreference *part 1 done, artist contacted, rough sent, payment done. Waiting to hear back from artist.
Short Description - An operators work is never simple. Dissidents, traitors, and keeping the curtain closed is hard work. (This will be ongoing, other things will be done before the series is finished. Looking for artist - Previous artist kinda... ran into a years long art-block issue.)
That's not how it works! - A deep look at repurposed organs by the empire and the hive/swarmers. Alternate title "Reproductive organs for reproduction!" - testicles as wombs, cocks as birth canals, these boys are in for a long ride. (Have an artist in mind. Broke as all hell at the moment so doing this will need to wait. Have a story in mind, but not outlined)
Volunteer Labor - Three heads in green, a horse, and a bull find themselves volun-told in a particular sort of production line with a theme. Feds executive bar where everything on tap is white, the theme is Moo, and they're going to be at it for a few months at a minimum. (Have an artist in mind, have a story outlined.)
You can't lick your own elbow (But your friends can!) - Short story rough outlined, art completed.
Short Description - A closer look at smugglers and the cartels and the things they do to who they've collected. (Story short on pause for now, wanted to get some character sheets done)
Squids - The final frontier. Not really, they're just nosy. - Short story rough outlined, frankenreference on hold, still fiddling around hard with this one
Short Description - A comedy of tentacles, probes, and cephalopods who are bad at keeping their suction cups to themselves.
Matches and Exhibitions - Giants in the playground. - Short story rough outlined, frankenreference on hold, two to three part maybe?
Short Description - Propaganda, super soldiers, and Sports! A match of the Federation's best going head to head with the Empire's finest all in a hot and sweaty display of martial prowess. (On Hold. Not sure what I want to do with this one yet)
The ambassador's Effects 2 - Why my predecessor went native - Short story rough written, frankenreference in the works, no artist yet
Short Description - Dalla rummages through more of the effects left behind by former ambassador Harken and finds Imperial house warming gifts to have a strange penetrative quality to them.
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Journals: 27
Comments Made: 1794
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The genie was let out of the bottle, the world is forever changed. There is no going back to how it was before.
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... soo many to pick from, so much amazing tallent!
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